Why join us?
Operators of airports, air carriers, aircraft builders, should take into consideration the populations who suffer from the air traffic. Today, the aviation lobby is so powerful that it is very difficult for people in flight paths to be heard.
We want to be the voice of the residents in the vicinity of airports at a European level. We want to work with the European Commission and the European parliamentarians.
The future of airports will be made at a European level.
Because airports are in competition with one another, any restrictions applicable to one airport will be considered a disadvantage if compared to other airports. Therefore restrictions will only be accepted if they are applied to all airports.
And this is only possible if it is decided at a European level.
We will include you in our European campaigns
We will invite you to the annual general meeting and you may have a possibility to be represented and work at the level of the board of directors if seats are available
How to join us?
Should you want to join us, you may contact by email any of the board members (link to board members) or use the contact form (link to contact form). You should specify the details and the aim of your organisation together with a description of your activities.
Your candidacy will be examined by the board of directors and the decision you will be notified to you.
The annual fee is as follows:
Individual € 30
Single organisations € 100
Umbrella organisations € 500
Join Us