On February 7 citizens around Schiphol presented a petition to the Dutch parliament’s Lower Chamber

Residents Environment Schiphol
The development of Schiphol is not in balance with the environment because Schiphol Airport grows faster than agreed, while the noise abatement remains;
From the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) shows that instead of a spectacular noise abatement by a quieter fleet nuisance in the near Schiphol located inner circle (Amsterdam and other towns in the vicinity of the airport) does not decrease but is increasing;
Nearly half a million people are excluded from the calculation about aircraft nuisance, causing that the growth area for Schiphol is much smaller than claimed by the aviation sector;
The growth at Schiphol consists almost entirely of so-called ‘fun flights’ (for holidays abroad) with no added value for the Dutch economy;
The cap of 500,000 flights (agreed on until the end of 2020) offers more than enough space for the mainport and the support of the ‘LLC Netherlands’;
There is still no prospect of a workable and effective selectivity policy that meets the EU requirements;
With a cap there is an automatic ‘incentive’ for airlines to use the slots for those flights with the most value and provide outplacement for ‘fun flights’ to other airports;
Recent studies have confirmed the adverse health effects of noise;
The precautionary principle makes it necessary to put a brake on the emission of ultrafine particles;
The Council for Environment and Infrastructure has identified environment as an important present-day factor for the business climate, and the negative effects of Schiphol thereon;
Dutch politicians to make as soon as possible a workable and effective selectivity instrument and – if not possible because of EU rules – to extend the cap of 500,000 flights at Schiphol until 2030 so that the agreed selectivity through ‘market forces’ can be achieved.