Taking action can help


Taking action can help to reduce aircraft nuisances. Here we list a number of ways. We invite everybody to come with new, better and additional ways. There is only one condition: the action must be put into practice or in progress. Therefore we ask for a practical example. Or it must be a very promising brand new idea…

We distinguish various actors that can stimulate the reduction: residents (R), organisations of residents (O), scientists (S), political parties (P), municipalities (M), governments (G), European members of parliament (E), celebrities (C) and UECNA (U)

The actions are presented in alphabetical order. The links are examples.

ActionApplied atClarificationActors
Address feelings of discomfortSweden, Europe wideName flying shame as well as cramped sittingR, O, P, C, U
Ask for studiesAmsterdamResidents and municipalities ask for thorough study of UFPR, M
Cooperate to help authorities make better decisionsAmsterdamAuthorities are not happy with complaining citizens. They will be surprised if you want to help them.R, P, M, U
Don't trust official dataLelystad AirportOpening airport for a third time postponed due to competent and determined residents who proved data errorsR
Emphasise alternativesEurope wideFaster trains ensure fewer aircraft. For example: Amsterdam - London is faster by trainAll
Find others campaignersEurope wideHere you find a a list of campaign and lobby groups all over EuropeO, U
Fund raisingMontrealCrowd funding and getting support of the City CouncilR
Influence EUBrusselsThe Paris Agreement will never be reached if aviation doesn't shrink.U
Measure FrankfurtObjectively measure noise and emissions R, O, S
Object green-washing tacticsEurope wideThe aviation industry promises green flying; carbon neutral growth will remain an illusion.R, O, P E, U
Paris Agreement: CO2 and climate changeEurope wideClimate marches, arguingAll
Plant treesHeathrowCelebs planted trees on runway site to oppose expansion at Heathrow.O, C
Political initiativeGenevaGenevois voted for democratic control of their airportR, O, P, M
ProtestFrankfurt, SchipholOver 250 times citizens protested against the aircraft nuisances in Frankfurt. Protestival Schiphol.R, O
Pursue realistic ticket pricesEurope wide25 BN for Europe with aviation taxes. Flying is too cheap.P, G, E, U
Scientific arguing LondonStressing relevant studies about the effects of aircraft noiseS, R, O
See you in courtThe HagueFor not following the Local residents of Schiphol after court ruling: ‘Finally recognition’ O, C, U
Submit a petitionBrusselsA coalition of 140 organisations met with European Parliament representatives to ask for a ban on night flights.O, U
Tax keroseneEurope wideOne litre of benzine is taxed more than a 747 above your head E
Tourism versus travellingEurope wideStop flying more than once a year, keep travelling environment friendlyAll
Video: story tellingHeathrowWatch 12 videos from residentsR, M