So you like UECNA? Show your commitment!


UECNA is an organisation built on active groups fighting against aircraft nuisances from all over Europe. The more organisations join, the stronger we become. Of course we can also use the support of individuals.

Why do we need support?

  • We need to put our voices together to be heard by the European institutions and ICAO. Today, the aviation lobby is so powerful that it is very difficult for the people under flight paths to be heard.
  • If you want to participate in larger debates on the future of aviation, UECNA is where you have to belong.
  • We need your knowledge and striking examples: we can make you and ourselves stronger.
  • In order to function at the current level, UECNA needs € 15,000 per year. Members currently contribute € 3,000 per year. So we desperately need (your) donations!
  • To work at a professional level, we aim for an amount of € 135,000.

How can you support us?

  • Make our work known to your friends, colleagues and acquaintances.
  • Send them the link
  • Send us interesting information on developments related to noise pollution and emissions, resistance against the aviation lobby, etc.
  • Retweet and like our contributions.
  • Become a contributer to our website.
  • Become a Friend of UECNAAs a Friend of UECNA you get a mention on the page Members & Friends of UECNA, with a quote you choose.
  • Ask for more information about becoming a MemberIf you are considering joining UECNA, email one of the board members or use the contact form. You should specify the details and the aim of your organisation together with a description of your activities. Your candidacy will be examined by the board and the decision will be notified to you. We ask Members to pay a minimum fee of € 100 to € 500 per year, depending on the kind of organisation (from small airport to umbrella organisation). Representatives are among other things invited to the AGM and can help to determine our policies.
  • Donate: we are a group of volunteers from various countries and we incur costsFor example costs for travelling to attend meetings in (mainly) Brussels, maintenance of the website, brochures, organising the AGM and so on..