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Author Name: admin


Joint Communiqué of people and municipalities affected by air, road and train noise for the European elections 2014 We are calling on candidates for the European Parliament to use their influence to finally control the growing environmental impact of noise caused by aircraft, roadways and railway traffic through appropriate measures, providing the necessary budgets and […]

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Threatening the existence of regional airports will not solve the problem of low-cost airlines

“Attacking regional airports is not the solution to the problem of fiscal and social dumping by low cost airlines”, said Franck Proust MEP on Tuesday afternoon during a panel discussion that was held in the European Parliament. “Rather than endangering the survival of regional airports, the European Commission should regulate the relationship between traditional companies […]

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Transport & Environment Seminar on Monday 16 September 2013

Transport & Environment hosted a seminar on Monday 16 September to discuss the new draft guidelines on State aid to airports and airlines. The Agenda included aviation campaigners, experienced aviation State aid lawyers and the department of the European Commission responsible for the guidelines. The seminar was run under the Chatham House rule. Thus no […]

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