A recent McGill study found unusually high concentrations of potentially harmful airborne nanoparticles around the airport. It is interesting to note that citizens on the streets ask for more studies on the subject. ‘There is some hope that people become more aware of the dangers of aircraft emissions,’ says Pierre Lachapelle from Les Pollués de […]
UECNA and Transport & Environment had a very constructive consultative meeting with EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency) today. Together with T&E we want to exert influence on environment matters at all levels to improve the situation for the communities around airports. At this first meeting UECNA was represented by his president Dominique Lazarski, Transport & […]
Our campaigning friends at Ciampino Airport have had a real success. The authorities have said that by 2020 commercial flights must reduce by 33% and that from December this year there must be no night flights between 23:00 to 06:00. Many of you will know that the campaigners have been arguing for years that the […]
On October 20th 2018, a conference was held to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of UECNA, with the participation of representatives of many European organizations against aircraft noise. President Dominique Lazarski, in her speech explained what UECNA is, analysing its triple role by representing citizens in organizations that UECNA participates: in the European […]
Airplane Noise Complaints Are Skyrocketing: ‘I Start Pushing That Button at 6:33 a.m.’ A new invention allows people in the U.S. to register their annoyance with an inexpensive gizmo, swamping airport systems. This you can read in the Wall Street Journal of August 24, if you pay a euro. Here we write you a summary. […]
On 9 August members of the Pan-Hellenic Association against the nuisance of the operation of airports ‘Environmental Harmony’ made a symbolic protest in the arrivals area of Athens International Airport. Members of the Board of Directors, Municipal and Local Councillors and Citizens protested against the intransigent attitude of the Airport Administration and its choice of […]
Although nightly takeoffs and landings are prohibited at Frankfurt Airport, there have been an increasing number of exceptions in recent months. That is why the demand for an increase in landing charges is getting louder after 11 pm. In Hamburg, for example, airlines pay a surcharge of 550 percent to midnight, and then even 700 […]
At the Museumplein in the heart of Amsterdam, some seven hundred residents from the Schiphol region, dressed in red, gathered on Saturday afternoon, June 23, to demonstrate against the growth of aviation. At the same time, hundreds of people went into the streets in five other cities near the Dutch airports. The action was a […]
For many travelers, travel time is the main reason for choosing the plane. People often think that flying is much faster than the train, but at short distances it does not make much difference now, if you count the travel time to the airport and the waiting time for departure. For example: expansion Schiphol is […]
Residents organisations around the six Dutch airports have established the National Residents Alliance on Aviation (LBBL). They consider that the growth of aviation must stop. The government must ensure a substantial reduction of nuisance caused by aviation and give priority to the protection of the environment, health and climate; Like all companies in the Netherlands, […]