Noise Conference, 24 April 2017, Brussels, Belgium About the conference Prolonged exposure to road, railway and aircraft traffic noise can cause sleep disturbance and annoyance. This can lead to serious health effects such as cardiovascular diseases. In the European Union, more than 120 million people suffer from noise levels that are considered to have a negative effect […]
With 108 airports hosting passengers flights of which 57 offer regular air services, France could be considered sufficiently if not too equipped. A new report published a few days ago analyses the French airports offer and makes suggestions as to how the network could be more efficient. The report only exist in French and can […]
On February 7 citizens around Schiphol presented a petition to the Dutch parliament’s Lower Chamber WE Residents Environment Schiphol ASCERTAIN The development of Schiphol is not in balance with the environment because Schiphol Airport grows faster than agreed, while the noise abatement remains; From the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) shows that instead of a spectacular […]
Every Monday, every week, the residents in the vicinity of Frankfurt airport demonstrate against the expansion of the airport. On January 30, it was the 200th time such demonstration happened. You may watch the video below :
[metaslider id=5451]
A great video from Reuters, just out, illustrating the health impacts of living under the noisy Heathrow flight path based on the recent study from Imperial College in London.