The environmental associations German Federal Agency for the Environment and Nature Conservation (BUND), the German Transport Association (VCD) and the German Association for the Protection of the Environment (DNR) have welcomed the proposal of Federal Environment Minister Svenja Schulze to raise the aviation tax as an urgently overdue step. ‘The particularly climate-damaging air traffic should […]
After 2020, the Dutch government has allowed Schiphol to grow to a maximum of 540 thousand flight movements per year. Growth is only permitted if the aviation sector can demonstrate that the nuisance to the immediate environment is reduced, for example due to quieter and cleaner aircraft. Citizen’s organisations think minister Van Nieuwenhuizen’s proposal to […]
UECNA signed an open letter to the EU leaders, which you can download here.
Belgian UECNA Member Sterrebeek 2000 is a member of the Burgerforum Luchthavenregio (Brussels/Zaventem Airport). The Burgerforum has developed a 12 point plan which is to ensure a more sustainable development of aviation and airport(s) in Belgium. They have been presenting the plan to Mayors and local politicians in the airport region in the run up […]
The Netherlands will present a proposal for an EU aviation tax to the members’ finance ministers at their next meeting, diplomats told POLITICOPRO. The Netherlands sent around a position paper on carbon pricing and aviation tax as base for raising levies on aviation to help meet Europe’s climate goals. UECNA welcomes every measure to discourage air […]
Three U.S.-based startups, strongly supported by the current U.S. administration, are preparing a comeback of new supersonic aircraft (SST, supersonic transport). The International Council on Clean Transportation made a model of the landing and take-off noise, the sonic boom, and the CO2 emissions from a new, unconstrained SST network of 2,000 aircraft in 2035. The […]
Efforts to reach a widely-backed agreement on how Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport can grow past 2020 have failed. Residents, local authority officials and environmentalists don’t accept any further growth of Schiphol at the moment. Now it’s up to the central government to decide. Although a majority of the parties in the Lower Chamber has aviation growth […]
The core aim of this renewed 2019 report is to provide an objective, clear and accurate source of information on the environmental performance of the aviation sector at the European level. You can read the executive summery in English or download it in other languages. There you can also find the complete report. UECNA participated […]
A recent McGill study found unusually high concentrations of potentially harmful airborne nanoparticles around the airport. It is interesting to note that citizens on the streets ask for more studies on the subject. ‘There is some hope that people become more aware of the dangers of aircraft emissions,’ says Pierre Lachapelle from Les Pollués de […]
Transport & Environment, 12 December 2018, Brussels Flight ticket taxes which were first introduced solely to raise revenue can be restructured to deliver greater environmental benefits, a new independent study has found. From taxing the carbon content of fuels to charging planes based on their fuel efficiency, EU governments have several options to encourage airlines […]