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Category Name: Protest

Successful 50th anniversary meeting

UECNA has existed for 50 years. In that time aviation has grown dramatically.  UECNA is the only Europe-wide body representing the interests of residents.  We will continue to lobby and campaign on the issues of noise, air pollution and climate change.  We will learn the lessons of the past as we build our strategy for […]

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Complaining about aircraft noise with a button

Airplane Noise Complaints Are Skyrocketing: ‘I Start Pushing That Button at 6:33 a.m.’ A new invention allows people in the U.S. to register their annoyance with an inexpensive gizmo, swamping airport systems. This you can read in the Wall Street Journal of August 24, if you pay a euro. Here we write you a summary. […]

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Dutch demonstrations against aviation lobby

At the Museumplein in the heart of Amsterdam, some seven hundred residents from the Schiphol region, dressed in red, gathered on Saturday afternoon, June 23, to demonstrate against the growth of aviation. At the same time, hundreds of people went into the streets in five other cities near the Dutch airports. The action was a […]

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Dutch residents organisations join forces

Residents organisations around the six Dutch airports have established the National Residents Alliance on Aviation (LBBL). They consider that the growth of aviation must stop. The government must ensure a substantial reduction of nuisance caused by aviation and give priority to the protection of the environment, health and climate; Like all companies in the Netherlands, […]

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Canadians start legal fight against aircraft noise

Our Canadian Friends of Les Pollués de Montréal-Trudeau (residents group living near the airport of Montreal) went to court to fight the aircraft nuisances. The first question was if they were allowed to do so. On behalf of the citizen group, their president Pierre Lachapelle noted: “We are pleased to have obtained this authorization. Of […]

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250th Monday demonstration in Frankfurt

A fourth runway was opened at Frankfurt Airport on 21 October 2011, raising the noise level and emissions of pollutants in the Rhine-Main area to a new level. Thus, decreasing the quality of life and damaging the health of the people. The protest against this remains strong. ‘Bündnis der Bürgerinitiativen’ originated in the fight against […]

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Heathrow consultation: beware of tacit agreement

The No 3rd Runway Coalition is very critical of the current consultation on Heathrow’s runway plans. People are advised, if they send in a response, to make sure their submission is not taken as tacit agreement with the 3rd runway. The operation of Heathrow airport currently exposes hundreds of thousands of people to the intolerable, […]

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Petition against growth of Schiphol Airport

On February 7 citizens around Schiphol presented a petition to the Dutch parliament’s Lower Chamber WE Residents Environment Schiphol ASCERTAIN The development of Schiphol is not in balance with the environment because Schiphol Airport grows faster than agreed, while the noise abatement remains; From the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) shows that instead of a spectacular […]

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A Petition to Include Air Transport in the COP 21

Air Transport should be included in the COP 21 discussion - a PETITION French environmental and residents groups together with UECNA: UFCNA - UNION FRANCAISE CONTRE LES NUISANCES DES AERONEFS FNE - FRANCE NATURE ENVIRONNEMENT  FNE IdF - FRANCE NATURE ENVIRONNEMENT ILE-DE-FRANCE  have signed a commun statement that can be found here :       [...]
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