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Category Name: UECNA

Back to pre-Covid levels…

The Airports Council International has just published figures for the number of passengers using airports each year. The chart shows the busiest airports in Europe. At many airports numbers have almost returned to their pre-Covid levels. Residents are noticing! The noise and the number of flights over their heads has increased.

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Negotiating a ban on night flights

ARGE gegen Fluglärm (Citizens Working Group against Aircraft Noise) from Vienna is negotiating improvements to the 2-runway system, including a ban on night flights. In view of the sharp increase in aircraft movements since 2017 and the fact that the 3rd runway, although legally finally approved, will not come until 2030, but still unaware of […]

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EU takes good note of UECNA letter concerning noise pollution

The 27th of August 2022 UECNA submitted a letter to the respective cabinets of Mrs Adina Vălean, Commissioner for Transport, and Mr Virginijus Sinkevičius, Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, and to the Directors-General of the Mobility and Transport and of the Environment Directorates-General of the Commission concerning what we consider to be necessary improvements [...]
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16-Point program to reduce flight movements

The German Federal Association against Aircraft Noise (BVf) has a 16-point program to flight movements. Demands on future air traffic. Since the restrictions applied during the corona pandemic were lifted or relaxed, air traffic has been trying to return to the growth path it pursued until 2019. The number of flight movements and passengers is […]

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Local residents of Schiphol are taking the Dutch State to court

The residents, represented by the Right to Protection against Aircraft Nuisance (RBV), demand that the minister put an end to the serious nuisance and sleep disturbance caused by air traffic at Schiphol Airport. More than 200,000 local residents are seriously disturbed by aircraft noise every day. And more than 23,000 people are disturbed in their […]

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Schiphol Airport forced to reduce number of flights

Success for residents in campaigning noise nuisances Schiphol airport has to reduce the number of take off and landing slots from the maximum of 500,00 to 440,000 per year from November 2023, the Dutch minister of infrastructure Mark Harbers confirmed on Friday. This cut of 12% cut would see traffic back at 2014 levels. The […]

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‘Dutch minister lies about cancer-causing emissions from aviation’

Published by SchipholWatch on 9 May 2022 Recently, minister Mark Harbers (Infrastructure) has argued several times that the emission of carcinogenic substances from aircraft falls under the nondescript Aviation Act and not under stricter environmental legislation. That is an outright lie, according to SchipholWatch's own research. (photo: dsleeter_2000 via flickr) In the immediate vicinity of [...]
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