In 2015 the EU presented a list of fact sheets of 23 countries with a summary of key statistics about environmental noise. One of them is the noise produced around airports, illustrated over average day and night time. Where possible there is a reference to the results from the 2012 report according to the Environmental Noise Directive (END, 2002/49/EC). The report from 2012 includes measurements from 2007 to 2012. Where possible, trends are derived.
You may find some striking facts, like that there are no data at all from the French major airports.
You’ll find the list with downloadable data sheets per country here.
When you look further, you may find some interesting facts as the number of people in agglomerations exposed to noise from airports (Lden and Lnight, data 2012): 178,705,204.
All those facts are still relevant, for example in light of the conference Noise in Europe on 24 April 2017.