
Claim for carbon neutral aviation in 2030

The Dutch Topsector Energy (TSE) claims that it’s possible to make flying CO2 neutral by 2030 using synthetic kerosene. TSE is a – according to their website – ‘driving force behind innovations that are necessary for the transition to an affordable, reliable and sustainable energy system.’ The report ‘Carbon Neutral Aviation With Current Engine Technology’ […]

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Canadians start legal fight against aircraft noise

Our Canadian Friends of Les Pollués de Montréal-Trudeau (residents group living near the airport of Montreal) went to court to fight the aircraft nuisances. The first question was if they were allowed to do so. On behalf of the citizen group, their president Pierre Lachapelle noted: “We are pleased to have obtained this authorization. Of […]

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250th Monday demonstration in Frankfurt

A fourth runway was opened at Frankfurt Airport on 21 October 2011, raising the noise level and emissions of pollutants in the Rhine-Main area to a new level. Thus, decreasing the quality of life and damaging the health of the people. The protest against this remains strong. ‘Bündnis der Bürgerinitiativen’ originated in the fight against […]

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Exorbitantly high fine dust readings near FRA

This is the heading of an article on the Frankfurter Neue Presse website of April 4. Residents around the airport breathe in tens of thousands of New Year’s Eve loads of ultra-fine dust every year? Yes, say experts of the initiative against aircraft noise in Mainz, and rely on measurements of the state of Hesse: […]

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‘Dutch cabinet should stop growth of Schiphol’

Dutch politicians must withstand the pressure from Schiphol By: Pieter Klok, commentator of De Volkskrant, a leading Dutch newspaper, April 3 The verb ‘to schiphol’ gets a new meaning. Until recently, the word stood for ‘adjusting the calculation method so that the noise pollution disappears as if by magic and the airport can continue to […]

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Residents of Gavà protest against growth El Prat

The Association of Neighbours of Gavà Mar (AVVGM) defends the quality of life of the citizens near the airport of Barcelona, El Prat. They protest against the statements of the president of Vueling, Javier Sánchez-Prieto, who wants to break the environmental restrictions of the airport Barcelona-El Prat. The airport has grown from 32 to 47 […]

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UECNA comes closer to ICAO

Two board members of UECNA have joined the Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection – CAEP. This is a technical committee that assists the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in formulating new policies and adopting new Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) related to aircraft noise and emissions, and more generally to aviation environmental impact. We will […]

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