
Noise tax in Northwest Italy

From 1 January 2018 the aircraft noise tax (Iresa) was introduced in Piedmont, Italy, giving an economic value to the weight, equal to € 0.50 per ton. This was decided at the meeting of the regional commission – which involved Finance and Transport – of 25 October last. The Conference of Regions, in 2012, had […]

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Aircraft Noise and the Heart

Noise has been found associated with annoyance, stress, sleep disturbance, and impaired cognitive performance. Furthermore, epidemiological studies have found that environmental noise is associated with an increased incidence of arterial hypertension, myocardial infarction, heart failure, and stroke. Observational and translational studies indicate that especially night-time noise increases levels of stress hormones and vascular oxidative stress, […]

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Would a steeper descent help to reduce noise?

The next carrot the aviation sector is dangling, is a steeper descent during the approach of airports, this is an increase of the glide path. This slope is normally fixed by ICAO at 3° (52.5 meter per kilometer for the decrease in altitude). Increasing it to 3.1° (54 m/km) would mean aircraft would fly 36 […]

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Nearly 500 tons of fuel dumped over Germany

Alliance 90 / The Greens in Germany asked the federal government how much fuel was discharged in 2017 by military and civil aircraft. Military as well as civil aircraft dispose of fuel over populated areas. In these so-called fuel dumpings is often not known how much fuel is exactly drained or which specific areas are […]

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The Illusion of Green Flying

From the Austrian website “Aviation is the fastest way to the climate crisis. Yet air travel is growing rapidly, with hundreds of new airports currently planned – despite local resistance and an urgent need to abate the climate crisis. The aviation industry has announced its intention to become greener in the future. The report […]

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‘Aviation mafia in the Netherlands’

By: Bert Wagendorp 2 December 2017 (Wagendorp is a prominent news columnist in de Volkskrant, a leading Dutch newspaper, WL – translation Wouter Looman, UECNA; link to the Dutch article) Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management Van Nieuwenhuizen received a thick report yesterday from the ‘Residents Delegation connection routes Lelystad Airport‘. It stated that the […]

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Flying is too cheap…

Now you can fly from Amsterdam to Malaga and return for € 56 *. This means € 0.015 per kilometre! Isn’t that cheap? We think it’s too cheap! Wouldn’t it be time to set a minimum price per kilometre? To counteract all these unnecessary attacks on health and environment? What do you think? We can […]

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