
Warning against noise pollution declared legal

Frankfurt Airport and Lufthansa sponsored an open air classic music festival in the Rhine-Main area. Fluglärm Mainz, an initiative group against aircraft noise, stated that it is no longer possible to enjoy this kind of cultural events undisturbed because of the noise from Frankfurt Airport. Reason for the concert organisation to go to court in […]

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Active group in Rhein-Pfalz area

The Rheinland-Pfalz Exhibition in Mainz, Germany, has once again a booth on the aircraft noise problems in the Rhein-Main area (Hall 7 booth # 736). This booth is built and organized by the local group ‘Lebenswertes Mainz und Rheinhessen e.V.’. In hall 6, booth # 610 ‘Trullo mit der Stille-Gruppe’ shows the activities of the […]

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French State sued for failure to comply with END

Several French environmental or residents organisations near the Parisian airports including the French umbrella NGO – UFCNA – fighting for the protection of citizens living under flight paths  are suing the French state for failure to comply with the 2002-49 Environmental Noise Directive. The presse releases can be found (in French) on UFCNA website : […]

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UECNA speaks at Noise Conference

Noise Conference, 24 April 2017, Brussels, Belgium About the conference Prolonged exposure to road, railway and aircraft traffic noise can cause sleep disturbance and annoyance. This can lead to serious health effects such as cardiovascular diseases. In the European Union, more than 120 million people suffer from noise levels that are considered to have a negative effect […]

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Pollution – A warning from the European Commission

NO2 pollutant is a serious health risk France, Germany, the United-Kingdom, Italy and Spain failed to put into action plans efficient enough to reduce the emissions of nitrogen dioxyde - NO2. This pollutant is a serious health risk! If road traffic appears guilty in the Commission's press release, in our opinion, the efforts should also include [...]
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Climate change impact stops Vienna airport expansion

This is a very innovative decision regarding aviation : an administrative court in Austria forbids the construction of the 3rd runway at Vienna airport; the negative environmental impact is by far more important that the positive impact of a new runway. No doubt we will have to wait for the appeal court decision. Residents in [...]
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France is re-thinking its airports network

With 108 airports hosting passengers flights of which 57 offer regular air services, France could be considered sufficiently if not too equipped. A new report published a few days ago analyses the French airports offer and makes suggestions as to how the network could be more efficient. The report only exist in French and can […]

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Petition against growth of Schiphol Airport

On February 7 citizens around Schiphol presented a petition to the Dutch parliament’s Lower Chamber WE Residents Environment Schiphol ASCERTAIN The development of Schiphol is not in balance with the environment because Schiphol Airport grows faster than agreed, while the noise abatement remains; From the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) shows that instead of a spectacular […]

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