With 108 airports hosting passengers flights of which 57 offer regular air services, France could be considered sufficiently if not too equipped. A new report published a few days ago analyses the French airports offer and makes suggestions as to how the network could be more efficient. The report only exist in French and can […]
On February 7 citizens around Schiphol presented a petition to the Dutch parliament’s Lower Chamber WE Residents Environment Schiphol ASCERTAIN The development of Schiphol is not in balance with the environment because Schiphol Airport grows faster than agreed, while the noise abatement remains; From the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) shows that instead of a spectacular […]
[metaslider id=5556] Aviation is far away from reaching Paris climate targets after the European Commission proposed not to regulate CO2 from flights from and to Europe, wrote Transport & Environment on February 3. Reuters also reports that foreign flights slip under the radar of EU emissions limits.
Every Monday, every week, the residents in the vicinity of Frankfurt airport demonstrate against the expansion of the airport. On January 30, it was the 200th time such demonstration happened. You may watch the video below :
A good brochure on emissions by aviation affecting climate change and citizens’ health with some consideration on economic aspects. Written by a group of activists defending the point of view of the citizens, this brochure is mostly in French with the good parts in English (summary, introduction and conclusion). You will find it here : […]
Aviation is not included in the discussion at COP 21! Although aviation plans to double its traffic in the next 20 years, there is no agreement on the reduction of its emissions and there will not be one at COP 21 as is has been excluded from the talks. UECNA supports Transport & Environment’s action which […]
Presentation of the midterm assessment On 12 November 2015, the European Commission presented the public study at midterm of the 2011 transport white paper. Transport Commissioner Violeta Bulc opened the meeting by recalling the five core areas of the white paper (i) a single transport market, (ii) an internal market, (iii) sustainable transport, (iv) smart transport and […]