
The impact of COVID-19 on aviation

The COVID-19 pandemic has hit the global economy and, in particular, large parts of the aviation industry to an unprecedented extent. Especially with a view to air traffic, there is controversial discussion whether and, if so, to what extent, in addition to the immediate consequences of the crisis, structural changes are triggered and / or […]

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Belgium must pay residents near airport

The Belgian government must pay compensation to residents of Brussels Airport for ‘unlawful use of a runway’. About three hundred residents of villages near the airport had brought a lawsuit because they were inconvenienced by the use of runway 01 (formerly runway 02/20) and some of them now receive compensation of at least 30,000 euro. […]

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Plea for permanent residents’ participation in aviation

In its report “Governance and participation in aviation”, the Dutch ministerial Advisory Committee Cohen makes a strong plea for integral, permanent and professional resident participation. The residents' delegation to the Schiphol Environment Council (ORS) sees this as support for its aim to seriously pursue the Schiphol consultation in the ORS. She also expects support from [...]
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Smart transport package saves 9 million tons of CO2

Amsterdam, 23 July – Calculations by CE Delft, commissioned by Friends of the Earth Netherlands, show that the government can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 9 million tonnes of CO2. By introducing a smart transport package with 5 measures, including a multi-fly tax and kilometre levy and a climate bonus for every Dutch […]

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WHO guidelines must compel aviation to shrink

In October 2018, the World Health Organisation (WHO) published the environmental noise guidelines. These WHO guidelines are of an advisory nature and are intended to reduce the harmful health effects of noise, including interrupted sleep and disturbance. New elements in these guidelines are the new findings that the more serious health effects of noise, such […]

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State aid to KLM flows to oil traders and Irish tax haven

To survive the corona crisis, Air France-KLM will receive a billion-dollar injection. Why actually? Ties Joosten followed the money trail and ended up in Ireland, where a handful of companies earn billions from planes that are not currently flying. (summary of a Dutch article in Follow The Money, April 30, 2020) No kerosene, but pay […]

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Schiphol/KLM: smart international transport needed

The Dutch government wants to prevent home carrier KLM from going down due to the corona crisis. The transfer network at Schiphol must be saved in order to keep essential economic centers in the world accessible to top sectors in the Netherlands. At the same time, the Cabinet believes that sustainability and the environment must […]

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Russian citizens ask UECNA for help

Yesterday was a historic day for UECNA. Our European cooperation already had transatlantic connections, including via the EANS noise measurement system. For the first time in our 50th anniversary, we are in contact with a Russian group that is greatly affected by the changed runway use at Moscow. We have assured them through an video […]

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Court: 3rd runway at Heathrow is illegal

Big news. The Court of Appeal – the second highest court in the land – ruled that, as it stands, Government policy on the proposed 3rd runway at Heathrow is illegal. This is because when drawing up the National Policy Statement on Airports, which is the official document used to give Heathrow permission to draw […]

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