Geneva airport, like London City airport and probably many other airports, is situated in the middle of living accommodation: it is an urban airport. Its growth over the last decade has had the result that more and more people living around it are complaining more and more strongly. About three years ago the local population […]
On November 11, the day of the celebration of the 300th Monday event in Frankfurt Terminal I, also the action Germany grounded will start. This aims to stop domestic flights, to begin in Germany, in the week from 10 to 16 February 2020. UECNA hopes other countries will follow!
The Committee on Climate Change(CCC), the Government’s official advisers, has said in a report out today that growth at UK airports needs to be almost half the predicted levels if aviation is to meet the government’s target of aviation being net-zero carbon by 2050. The CCC, chaired by former Conservation minister Lord Deben, said, “In […]
A round trip flight from Amsterdam to the south of France costs the same as a round trip ticket to the Dutch – nearby – island of Terschelling. How is that possible? Part of the answer can be found in the enormous subsidies that go to the aviation industry. Ties Joosten from the Dutch platform […]
On the 11th of August a group of climate activists disrupted the delivery of aviation fuel to Arlanda airport outside Stockholm, Sweden by blocking 14 tank cars of fossil fuels from entering the station. Activists of the local campaign Flyglarm Arlanda peacefully trespassed into the fuel station, to challenge the expansion of the airport. The […]
The environmental associations German Federal Agency for the Environment and Nature Conservation (BUND), the German Transport Association (VCD) and the German Association for the Protection of the Environment (DNR) have welcomed the proposal of Federal Environment Minister Svenja Schulze to raise the aviation tax as an urgently overdue step. ‘The particularly climate-damaging air traffic should […]
After 2020, the Dutch government has allowed Schiphol to grow to a maximum of 540 thousand flight movements per year. Growth is only permitted if the aviation sector can demonstrate that the nuisance to the immediate environment is reduced, for example due to quieter and cleaner aircraft. Citizen’s organisations think minister Van Nieuwenhuizen’s proposal to […]
A thorough study among 191 primary school children who live near Schiphol Airport shows that high concentrations of ultra-fine particles from aircraft can effect health seriously. When the wind blows in the ‘wrong’ direction children with respiratory complaints suffer more and use more medication. Complaints include shortness of breath and wheezing. These are the conclusions […]
UECNA signed an open letter to the EU leaders, which you can download here.
Because politicians are usually rather reluctant to take unpopular measures, an increasing number of concerned citizens are taking the initiative to save the climate. There are large demonstrations everywhere for the environment and against climate change. This also means less flying. Psychologically, the term flying shame (from the Swedish flygskam) is interesting. Media reports more […]